How Long we Have Been Married

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 10, 2010

I know I'm a Slacker...

Hello to whoever looks at our blog! I have to admit that the blog thing excited me at first...what an awesome idea to document and write about Matt & I's life together. But now it has officially intimidated me! Its been difficult to get excited about sitting down on a computer after sitting in front of one 40hrs a week. I want to make a better effort to do it though, its pretty cool to do and see everyones comments.

I have many thoughts, and I hope to write them down more & post more pics! Lots of things are going on in our lives and we keep busy. My mom's birthday is coming up and can't wait to spend some good quality one on one time with her.

So, I am putting this out there that I will be doing better with my blog! So don't forget about us ;)