How Long we Have Been Married

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Matty!

Matt has to work a long day today for his birthday. But, I am taking him out to his favorite Sushi Restaurant in Alameda. It's called Kamakura-I think it's super yummy and that's saying a lot, since I spent a long time in my life saying I would never try it. Thanks to my best friend Jodee and her family they introduced me to this awesome food group! Matt and his family have been going to Kamakura since he was little.

I love Matt with all my heart and so happy I am with you! I love you Matty! Happy 28th Birthday Babe!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gave in....Got a "Touch" Phone

Yesterday I got a touch phone, finally retired my old ghetto phone which I absolutely loved. It was super basic but it was a slide phone. For some reason I like the slide phones a lot more than the flip ones.

This Samsung Reality is still pretty basic, not as high tech as an iPhone or anything. I feel I have no need for something that is filled with a ton of "stuff". I love the excitement of getting a new phone, it never gets old. This last day and a half I have been just playing with it and getting use to it.

So far I highly recommend this phone, and I love the Red!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We Fly, iFly & Bodega Bay

For Christmas Matt got us gift certificates to go indoor sky diving in Union City. We didn't redeem them until now. We took advantage of those gift certificates this weekend on Saturday June 5th. Matt took me out on a surprise date night! We went there and then headed to Texas Roadhouse right after to get some food. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first before it was our turn to go into the wind tunnel, but all those nerves went away as I entered inside the wind tunnel with the instructor and I was actually flying. It was the coolest feeling! Reminded me of when I was younger I would stand in front of a big fan and imagine I could fly...but this was actually strong enough to hold me up, and it is laid down the right way to keep me upright.

Before iFly though my dear, wonderful best friend Jodee and I decided to take a last minute trip to Bodega Bay and it was SO fun just driving those three hours round trip with her to get there and back. Once we got there it was overcast looking but, surprisingly hot! We had the best time, as always with one another.

It was really the most perfect day, spent with my best friend and my hubby!