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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gave in....Got a "Touch" Phone

Yesterday I got a touch phone, finally retired my old ghetto phone which I absolutely loved. It was super basic but it was a slide phone. For some reason I like the slide phones a lot more than the flip ones.

This Samsung Reality is still pretty basic, not as high tech as an iPhone or anything. I feel I have no need for something that is filled with a ton of "stuff". I love the excitement of getting a new phone, it never gets old. This last day and a half I have been just playing with it and getting use to it.

So far I highly recommend this phone, and I love the Red!

1 comment:

  1. I just got a Samsung Impression, which looks like the equivalent to your Reality, from AT&T. I'm loving it! My old dinosaur phone just dropped in the toilet by a day care kid and so I needed a new one. I didn't do any research, just walked in and saw that it had a full keypad and the guy recommended it, so I got it.
    New phones are so much fun! Happy you're loving yours!
